Friday, September 20, 2024

TMTT CFP Special Issue on Latest Advances on Radar-Based Physiological Sensors and Their Applications

Radar can be used for human non-contact monitoring and interaction

TMTT CFP Special Issue on Latest Advances on Radar-Based Physiological Sensors and Their Applications

Call for Papers (CFP) for a Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, focused on "Latest Advances in Radar-Based Physiological Sensors and Their Applications." Here are some of the key points:

1. Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024
2. Publication Date: April 2025

3. Guest Editors:
   - Olga Boric-Lubecke (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
   - Victor Lubecke (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
   - Chung-Tse Michael Wu (Rutgers University)
   - Emanuele Cardillo (University of Messina)
   - Shekh Md. Mahmudul Islam (University of Dhaka)

4. Motivation:
   - Growing interest in contactless radar-based physiological sensors
   - Driven by hardware advances in automotive radar and next-generation communications
   - Applications in healthcare, industry, and security

5. Technological Context:
   - Availability of millimeter-wave radar hardware (24 GHz to over 240 GHz)
   - Integration with MIMO/beam steering capabilities
   - Emergence of 6G communications with joint communication and sensing (JCAS)

6. Key Research Questions:
   - Nature of measurements
   - Optimal waveforms and operating frequencies
   - Limitations on radar sensitivity
   - Metrics for accuracy and performance benchmarking
   - Isolation of relevant motion from extraneous motion

7. Topics of Interest:
   - Fundamental questions about physiological radar signals
   - Novel radar architectures and hardware advances
   - Advances in demodulation and signal analysis
   - Emerging applications in various fields

The CFP encourages submissions on the latest advancements in radar-based physiological sensors, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of this technology. Authors should consult for further submission instructions.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Disappointing Weapons Systems in Russian - Ukraine "special military operation"

Disappointing Systems in Ukraine - From imprecise precision munitions to explosive IFVs

The Australians at PERun have spent a lot of time in the past talking about systems that have been called 'game changers' or arguably overperformed in Ukraine, relative to either expectations, costs, or both. Today, they look at some of the opposite - systems that may not be having the expected impact, and which might prompt some thinking in planners observing the Ukrainian experience. 

 Reading and Sourcing: 

  1.  DoD Reimbursable Rates FY2023 
  2. BMD-4M Product Information 
  3. US Army - FY 2025 Budget Estimates - Aircraft Procurement, 
  4. Army 
  5. Program Acquisition Cost by Weapon System United States Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request 
  6. Chatham House - Assessing Russian Plans for Military Regeneration 
  7.  Excalibur announcement and initial arrival reporting 
  8. Reporting on Polish AH-64 purchase 
  9. Reporting on Russian EW 
  10. Roger McDermott "Shamanov Fights for VDV’s Future" - 2012 
  11. Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) - AH-64E Apache New Build - Dec 2022 
  12. Reporting on FARA https://www.defensenew 
  13. Russian Ultra-nationalist rally report 2007 
  14. Japan interceptor drone vs Helicopter 
  15. Hellfire 2 
  16.  JAGM 
  17. Polish Chunmoo order 
  18. Reporting on EW in Ukraine Spike NLOS + AH-64 

Caveats & Comments: 

All normal caveats and comments apply. In particular – I would like to note as always that this material has been created for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be a complete or comprehensive examination of the topic in question and should not be relied upon to inform financial or other similar decisions. Any content relating to the conduct or political views and/or activities of any person or character in this video is included for entertainment purposes and does not represent an assertion of fact on those matters. 


  •  00:00 — Opening Words  
  • 00:54 — What Am I Talking About?  
  • 03:08 — Rating This 
  •  05:15 — When Precision - Isn't 
  •  07:30 — Excalibur 12:51 — GLSDB 
  •  20:10 — The Paradrop Problem 
  •  32:19 — Speaking Of Attack Helicopters  
  • 35:45 — Attack Helicopter Losses  
  • 41:08 — Polish Figures 
  •  47:04 — What Could It Be Instead?  
  • 54:01 — Not The End For Rotary...
  •  58:13 — Channel Update

 Video Summary

Here's a summary of the key points from the video:

1. The video discusses military systems and concepts that have underperformed or may be under pressure in the Ukraine conflict.

2. It establishes criteria for judging if a system is underperforming, including efficacy, efficiency, broad trends, future requirements, and potential alternatives.

3. The video examines several categories of systems:

   a) Non-jam resistant Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs):
   - Some PGMs like Excalibur rounds and Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB) have become less effective due to Russian electronic warfare.
   - This has led to decreased accuracy and increased costs per successful strike.
   - Alternatives like jam-resistant PGMs or wide-area effect munitions are being considered.

   b) Specialized Airborne equipment (e.g., BMD-4 infantry fighting vehicle):
   - These vehicles are designed to be air-droppable but have proven highly vulnerable in combat.
   - They have a high rate of catastrophic destruction when hit, potentially due to design trade-offs.
   - Some airborne units are moving away from truly airborne-capable equipment to more conventional armor.

   c) Attack helicopters:
   - Both Russian and Ukrainian attack helicopters have suffered significant losses.
   - They've been limited in their operations due to vulnerability to various air defense systems.
   - Their cost-effectiveness is questioned when compared to alternatives like fixed-wing aircraft or long-range missile systems.
   - The increasing prevalence of drones and air defense systems may further threaten their viability.

4. The video suggests that these experiences in Ukraine may lead to reassessment of investment in these systems by militaries worldwide, with some countries already scaling back plans for attack helicopters in favor of unmanned systems or other alternatives.

5. The presenter cautions that while these systems may be under pressure, it doesn't necessarily signal their immediate obsolescence, but rather a potential shift in how aggressively they're invested in or utilized in future conflicts. 

Summary A, C, or F Systems

Separating the systems into three categories based on their performance as described in the video:

F = Fail:

1. M982 Excalibur guided artillery shell
2. Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB)
3. BMD-4 (and BMD-2) infantry fighting vehicle
4. Russian Attack Helicopters (Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-35)
5. Ukrainian Attack Helicopters (Mi-24)

D = Potential Fail:

1. AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter
2. Hellfire and AGM-179 missiles

C = Meets or Exceeds Expectations:

1. Russian Kh-59 missile
2. Man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS)
3. K239 Chunmoo multiple rocket launch system
4. Fixed-wing aircraft (F-35, F-16, Su-34)

This categorization is based on the video's analysis of each system's performance in the context of the Ukraine conflict and potential future scenarios. It's worth noting that the assessment of some systems, particularly those in the "Potential Fail" category, is based on concerns about their effectiveness in future conflicts rather than their current performance.

Specific Weapon Systems Mentioned

Here's the combined list with both the characterization and the meeting/failing expectations:

1. M982 Excalibur guided artillery shell:
   - Precision-guided 155mm artillery round
   - Initially effective but became less accurate due to Russian electronic warfare
   - Success rate dropped from 55% to as low as 6-7%
   - Cost per successful strike increased from $300,000 to $1.9 million
   - Failing: Initially effective but became significantly less accurate due to Russian electronic warfare

2. Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB):
   - Combination of rocket motor with air-delivered small diameter bomb
   - Intended to extend Ukraine's strike range to 150 km
   - Proved vulnerable to Russian jamming, affecting its precision
   - Failing: Proved vulnerable to Russian jamming, affecting its precision

3. BMD-4 (and BMD-2) infantry fighting vehicle:
   - Russian air-droppable armored vehicle
   - Described as highly vulnerable in combat
   - High rate of catastrophic destruction when hit (85% fully destroyed vs 70% for BMP-2/3)
   - Characterized as having insufficient armor for ground combat
   - Failing: Highly vulnerable in combat, insufficient armor for ground combat

4. Russian Attack Helicopters (Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-35):
   - Initially effective but became vulnerable to Ukrainian air defenses
   - Suffered significant losses
   - Limited in operations due to vulnerability
   - Failing: Became vulnerable to Ukrainian air defenses, limited in operations

5. Ukrainian Attack Helicopters (Mi-24):
   - Limited by lack of advanced weapons
   - Often used as "hypermobile airborne grad" (rocket artillery)
   - Failing: Limited by lack of advanced weapons, reduced to less sophisticated roles

6. AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter:
   - Expensive to procure and operate ($100+ million per unit in recent Polish deal)
   - Range of anti-tank missiles (like Hellfire) potentially too short for modern threats
   - Potentially failing: Expensive to procure and operate, range of weapons potentially too short for modern threats

7. Hellfire and AGM-179 missiles:
   - Main armaments for Apache helicopters
   - Range (7-8 km) characterized as potentially too short against modern threats
   - Potentially failing: Range characterized as potentially too short against modern threats

8. Russian Kh-59 missile:
   - Long-range air-to-surface missile used by Russian attack helicopters
   - Allowed for stand-off attacks beyond the range of short-range air defenses
   - Meeting expectations: Allowed for effective stand-off attacks

9. Man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS):
   - Increasingly threatening to helicopters
   - Examples like Starstreak have ranges approaching those of helicopter-launched missiles
   - Exceeding expectations: Increasingly threatening to helicopters, effective against various air targets

10. K239 Chunmoo multiple rocket launch system:
    - Presented as a potentially more cost-effective alternative to attack helicopters for long-range strikes
    - Meeting/Exceeding expectations: Presented as a cost-effective alternative for long-range strikes

11. Fixed-wing aircraft (F-35, F-16, Su-34):
    - Characterized as potentially more versatile and survivable than attack helicopters
    - Able to perform multiple roles in both permissive and contested environments
    - Meeting/Exceeding expectations: Characterized as more versatile and survivable than attack helicopters

This list combines the detailed descriptions with the assessment of whether each system is meeting, exceeding, or failing expectations based on the document's analysis.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

False start? DoD IG 'terminated' NGAD next-gen fighter review, but may revisit down the road - Breaking Defense

False start? DoD IG 'terminated' NGAD next-gen fighter review, but may revisit down the road - Breaking Defense

Kendall stumbles while Northrop Grumman double shuffles in NGAD development dance 

Here's a summary of the video, highlighting differences and new information compared to the breaking defense article:

1. The competition for the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter has narrowed down to Boeing and Lockheed Martin, confirming the article's information.

2. New information: Northrop Grumman's withdrawal is attributed to their focus on the B-21 Raider bomber and the Navy's FXX program, which wasn't mentioned in the article.

3. The video provides more detailed pros and cons for both Boeing and Lockheed Martin as NGAD contenders, which wasn't present in the previous article.

4. New information: The video discusses the competition for the NGAD's adaptive cycle engine between Pratt & Whitney and General Electric, including their respective strengths and weaknesses.

5. The video introduces the concept of Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCAs) - unmanned drones that will work alongside NGAD, which wasn't mentioned in the article.

6. New information: The importance of advanced avionics in the NGAD program is highlighted, which wasn't discussed in the article.

7. The video makes predictions about the outcome of the various competitions:

   - Airframe: Lockheed Martin (consistent with the article's implications)

   - Engine: General Electric (new information)

   - Drone wingman: Boeing (new role for Boeing, not mentioned in the article)

   - Avionics: Northrop Grumman (new information, different from their complete withdrawal mentioned in the previous article)

8. The timeline for NGAD production by the end of this decade is mentioned, which isn't specified in the article.

This video provides a more comprehensive overview of the NGAD program and its various components, offering insights and predictions not present in the article.

Here's a concise summary of the key points from the Breaking Defense article:

  1. The Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) halted a review of the Air Force's Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter program.
  2. This came after Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall's statements about the program's progress were found to be premature.
  3. Kendall initially announced NGAD had entered the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase, but later retracted this statement.
  4. The Air Force has paused the NGAD program to reconsider its options due to budgetary constraints and design questions.
  5. The pause has cast doubt on awarding an EMD contract this year, as previously planned.
  6. The competition is thought to be between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, with Northrop Grumman having withdrawn.
  7. Northrop's CEO suggested they might reconsider joining the competition if there are material changes to the program.

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall's statements

Here's more details on Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall's statements regarding the NGAD program:

1. Initial announcement (June 2022): Kendall made headlines by stating that the NGAD program had already entered the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase. This announcement sparked significant interest and speculation in the defense industry about which company might have secured the lucrative contract.

2. Retraction (September 2022): On September 19, 2022, Kendall walked back his earlier statement. He clarified that he was speaking in a "colloquial sense" when he mentioned the EMD phase. He explained that he meant to indicate the plane was in the design process, not that it had formally entered EMD.

3. Clarification of terminology: Kendall elaborated on his use of terminology, saying, "I've been around doing this stuff for a long time, and I still think of engineering and manufacturing development as a phase in which you are working on the new design." This statement suggests that Kendall was using the term EMD more loosely than its official definition in defense acquisition processes.

4. Impact of statements: Despite Kendall's retraction, his initial announcement had already prompted the DoD Inspector General to announce a review of the NGAD program. The review was intended to determine if the critical technologies for the NGAD fighter were mature enough to enter the EMD phase.

5. Recent statements: In July 2023, when asked about the IG's review at the RIAT air show, Kendall commented that "They're doing a very quiet review," indicating he was unaware of its termination.

These statements by Kendall highlight the sensitivity surrounding information about advanced defense programs like NGAD, and how carefully such information needs to be communicated to avoid confusion or misinterpretation. 

Northrop Grumman's position regarding the NGAD program

Here's more specifics on Northrop Grumman's position regarding the NGAD program:

1. Initial withdrawal: The article mentions that Northrop Grumman had publicly withdrawn from the NGAD competition. This left the contest primarily between Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

2. Potential reconsideration: Kathy Warden, Northrop Grumman's CEO, indicated at the Morgan Stanley Laguna conference that the company might reconsider its position on NGAD. This potential shift is directly linked to the Air Force's current reevaluation of the program.

3. Conditions for re-entry: Warden outlined several factors that would influence Northrop Grumman's decision to potentially rejoin the competition:

   a) Material changes to the program: If the Air Force significantly alters the NGAD program requirements or structure.
   b) Competitive advantage: The company would assess whether they are "well differentiated to perform" in the revised program.
   c) Business case evaluation: They would analyze whether the new program structure makes sense for the company and its investors.

4. Monitoring the situation: Warden stated that Northrop Grumman is "monitoring" the NGAD situation, indicating an active interest in the program's developments.

5. Context of the Air Force's pause: Northrop's potential reconsideration comes in the context of the Air Force's strategic pause on NGAD. This pause is allowing the Air Force to revalidate requirements and reconsider the path forward for the program.

6. Implications: Northrop Grumman's potential re-entry could significantly impact the competitive landscape for NGAD, potentially bringing more innovation and competitive pressure to the program.

This information suggests that while Northrop Grumman had previously stepped away from the NGAD competition, they remain interested and are strategically positioning themselves to potentially re-enter if the program's direction aligns with their capabilities and business interests.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Precise Motion Compensation Approach for High-Resolution Multirotor UAV SAR in the Presence of Multiple Errors

Precise Motion Compensation Approach for High-Resolution Multirotor UAV SAR in the Presence of Multiple Errors | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

J. Han et al., "Precise Motion Compensation Approach for High-Resolution Multirotor UAV SAR in the Presence of Multiple Errors," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 17, pp. 15148-15165, 2024, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3449318.

Abstract: As an important supplement to traditional airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) SAR has the advantages of low cost, high flexibility, and strong survival ability. 

However, due to the complex motion and flight characteristics of the multirotor UAV platform, multirotor UAV SAR faces challenges, including spatially variant low-frequency (LF) errors and severe high-frequency (HF) errors. To deal with these problems, an improved motion compensation approach is proposed for multirotor UAV SAR imaging, which is implemented through two processing steps. 

  1. ) The LF errors are eliminated by an improved two-step MoCo approach, which takes into account the spatial variations of both envelope and phase. 
  2. ) The HF errors are estimated and corrected by an extended phase gradient autofocus scheme. 

Different from conventional solutions, our approach can effectively remove the complex motion errors of multirotor UAV SAR step-by-step with high robustness even in high-resolution scenarios. 

Computer simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of our approach.

keywords: {Autonomous aerial vehicles;Imaging;Synthetic aperture radar;Trajectory;Geometric modeling;Radar polarimetry;History;High-frequency (HF) error;low-frequency (LF) error;motion compensation (MOCO);multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV);synthetic aperture radar (SAR)},



 This paper presents an improved motion compensation (MoCo) approach for high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging using multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The key points of the paper are:

1. Problem addressed: Multirotor UAV SAR faces challenges due to complex motion errors, including spatially variant low-frequency (LF) errors and severe high-frequency (HF) errors, which degrade image quality.

2. Proposed solution: An improved MoCo approach implemented in two main steps:
   a) LF error compensation using an improved two-step MoCo method with scaling correction
   b) HF error compensation using an extended phase gradient autofocus (PGA) scheme

3. Methodology:

  •    - Establishes a geometric model of multirotor UAV SAR
  •    - Analyzes the effects of LF and HF errors on imaging quality
  •    - Develops a scaling correction method to address spatially variant LF envelope errors
  •    - Proposes an extended PGA scheme for HF error estimation and correction

4. Key innovations:

  •    - Addresses both LF and HF errors in a step-by-step approach
  •    - Considers spatially variant components of LF errors
  •    - Adapts PGA for multi-component HF errors in UAV SAR

5. Validation: The approach is validated through:

  •    - Computer simulations
  •    - Real data experiments using a multirotor UAV SAR system

6. Results:

  •    - Demonstrates improved focusing of targets across the entire scene
  •    - Shows effective removal of ghosting artifacts caused by HF errors
  •    - Achieves better image quality parameters (IRW, PSLR, ISLR) compared to existing methods

7. Significance:

  •    - Enables high-quality SAR imaging from multirotor UAV platforms
  •    - Expands the potential applications of UAV SAR in various fields

The paper concludes that the proposed approach effectively compensates for complex motion errors in multirotor UAV SAR, leading to improved high-resolution imaging capabilities.


Here's a list of the figures in the paper along with their titles and descriptions:

1.       Fig. 1: Multirotor UAV SAR system -    - Shows an illustration of a multirotor UAV with SAR equipment

2.       Fig. 2: Multirotor UAV SAR imaging geometry model with motion errors -    - Illustrates the 3D geometric model used for analysis

3.       3. Fig. 3: Side view of multirotor UAV SAR imaging geometry    - Provides a 2D side view of the imaging geometry

4.       Fig. 4: LF errors of multirotor UAV platform   - Shows simulated low-frequency motion errors along y and z axes

(a)    y-axis

(b)    z-axis

5.       Fig. 5: Phase errors induced by spatially variant LF errors with different orders   - Illustrates the phase errors caused by different orders of LF errors

(a)    First-order spatially variant component

(b)    High-order spatially variant components

6.       Fig. 6: Envelope errors induced by spatially variant LF errors with different orders   - Shows the envelope errors caused by different orders of LF errors

(a)    First-order spatially variant component

(b)    High-order spatially variant components

7.       Fig. 7: HF errors of multirotor UAV platform   - Displays simulated high-frequency motion errors along y and z axes

(a)    y-axis

(b)    z-axis

8.       Fig. 8: Impulse responses of desired target after focusing   - Compares target focusing with and without HF errors

(a)    Without HF errors

(b)    With single-component HF errors

(c)     With multiple-component HF errors

9.       Fig. 9: Phase errors induced by HF errors with different components   - Shows phase errors caused by different components of HF errors

(a)    Bulk component

(b)    Spatially variant component

10.   Fig. 10: Flowchart of scaling correction    - Illustrates the process of scaling correction for LF errors

11.   Fig. 11: Flowchart of imaging approach    - Provides an overview of the entire proposed imaging approach

12.   Fig. 12: Additional envelope errors induced by scaling correction    - Shows the envelope errors introduced by the scaling correction process

13.   Fig. 13: Spatially variant components of additional envelope errors    - Illustrates the spatially variant parts of the additional envelope errors

14.   Fig. 14-24: Various simulation results    - These figures show results from computer simulations, including motion trajectories, simulated scenes, and processed image results

15.   Fig. 25-30: Real data experiment results    - These figures display the results from processing real SAR data collected by a multirotor UAV, showing improvements in image quality and ghost suppression

These figures collectively demonstrate the theoretical basis, methodology, and effectiveness of the proposed motion compensation approach for multirotor UAV SAR imaging.

Magnitude and Frequency of Motion Compensation

Upon reviewing the paper, I notice that the authors don't provide explicit quantitative definitions of what constitutes "low-frequency" versus "high-frequency" in terms of specific frequency ranges or acceleration magnitudes. This is a limitation of the paper's presentation.

However, I can provide some quantitative information from the figures and simulations presented in the paper:

Low-Frequency (LF) Errors:
- From Fig. 4, which shows simulated LF errors:
  - Y-axis: Peak-to-peak amplitude of about 0.4 meters
  - Z-axis: Peak-to-peak amplitude of about 0.6 meters
  - The period of these oscillations appears to be around 10-20 seconds

High-Frequency (HF) Errors:
- From Fig. 7, which shows simulated HF errors:
  - Y-axis: Peak-to-peak amplitude of about 0.006 meters (6 mm)
  - Z-axis: Peak-to-peak amplitude of about 0.004 meters (4 mm)
  - The period of these oscillations appears to be much shorter, roughly 0.1-0.2 seconds

These figures suggest that:
1. LF errors have larger amplitudes (tens of centimeters) and longer periods (several seconds)
2. HF errors have smaller amplitudes (few millimeters) and shorter periods (fraction of a second)

The paper mentions that HF errors are related to propeller rotation, which typically occurs at frequencies of tens to hundreds of Hz for multirotor UAVs. However, specific rotational speeds are not provided.

Regarding acceleration magnitudes, the paper doesn't provide this information directly. These could be estimated by taking the second derivative of the position errors shown in the figures, but this would be an approximation based on simulated data.

It's worth noting that the lack of explicit quantitative definitions for LF and HF errors in terms of frequency ranges is a limitation of the paper. In practice, the distinction between LF and HF might depend on the specific UAV platform, SAR system parameters, and imaging requirements.

Motion Compensation Algorithm

I'll describe the motion compensation algorithm in mathematical terms, following the paper's presentation. The algorithm is divided into two main parts: Low-Frequency (LF) and High-Frequency (HF) error compensation.

1. Low-Frequency Error Compensation:

a) The true instantaneous slant range history R(η) is modeled as:

R(η) ≈ R_q + ((Vη + ΔX(η) - X_q)^2) / (2R_q) - ΔY(η)sin(θ_q) + ΔZ(η)cos(θ_q)

- η is the azimuth slow time
- R_q is the closest slant range to the target
- V is the average velocity
- ΔX, ΔY, ΔZ are motion errors
- θ_q is the incident angle

b) The LF errors are separated into three components:

ΔR_low(η) = ΔR_low_0(η) + ΔR_low_1(η) + ΔR_low_h(η)

- ΔR_low_0(η) is the bulk component
- ΔR_low_1(η) is the first-order spatially variant component
- ΔR_low_h(η) is the high-order spatially variant component

c) Scaling correction is applied using Chirp-Z Transform (CZT):

S_0(f'_τ, η) = S_0(f_τ · [1 + α(η)], η)

Where α(η) is the linear coefficient of LF envelope errors.

d) Two-step MoCo is applied:

First step: H_3(f_τ, η) = exp[j(4π(f_0 + f_τ)/c)ΔR_low_0(η)]
Second step: H_4(τ, η) = exp{j(4π/λ)[ΔR_low_1(η) + ΔR_low_h(η)]}

e) Additional error correction:

H_add(f_τ, f_η) = exp{j(4πf_τR_p/c)(α(f_η)/[1 + α(f_η)])((8V + λ^2f_η^2)/(8V))}

2. High-Frequency Error Compensation:

a) HF errors are modeled as:

ΔR_high(η) = Σ(i=1 to M) A_i sin(2πf_iη)

Where A_i and f_i are the amplitude and frequency of the i-th HF error component.

b) The phase error introduced by HF errors:

Δφ_high(η) = exp{-j(4π/λ) · Σ(i=1 to M) A_i sin(2πf_iη)}

c) Extended Phase Gradient Autofocus (PGA) is used to estimate HF phase errors φ_h(η).

d) HF error compensation function:

H_f(τ, η) = exp{jφ_h(η)}

3. Final Compensated Signal:

After applying all compensation steps, the echo signal becomes:

S_0(τ, η) = w_r{τ - (2R_q/c)}w_a(η)exp{-j(4π/λ)R_0(η)}exp{-j(4π/λ)ΔR_at(η)}

Where ΔR_at(η) represents remaining along-track errors, which can be further compensated using additional techniques like the modified Map Drift algorithm.

This mathematical description outlines the key steps and equations used in the motion compensation algorithm. The actual implementation involves applying these compensations to the SAR data in appropriate domains (range time, azimuth time, range frequency, or 2D frequency) as described in the paper.


The paper does not explicitly discuss the attitude reference system, which is a crucial element for accurately resolving motion components in a UAV SAR system. This is a significant omission in the paper's description of the overall system. Let me elaborate on why an attitude reference would be necessary:

1. Attitude Information Requirement:
   To properly resolve azimuth, elevation, and x, y, z components of motion, the system would need to know the UAV's attitude (roll, pitch, and yaw) at each moment during the data collection.

2. Typical Attitude Reference Systems:
   - Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU): Provides angular rates and accelerations
   - Gyroscopes: Measure angular velocity
   - Magnetometers: Provide heading information
   - GPS: Often used in conjunction with IMU for position and velocity

3. Importance in SAR Motion Compensation:
   - Translates body-frame measurements to the earth-fixed coordinate system
   - Essential for accurately interpreting motion sensor data
   - Crucial for relating the SAR antenna's orientation to the ground

4. Integration with Motion Compensation:
   An attitude reference would be necessary to:
   - Correctly interpret the ΔX(η), ΔY(η), and ΔZ(η) motion errors
   - Accurately project these errors onto the slant range direction
   - Properly implement the geometric transformations in the SAR processing

5. Impact on Algorithm:
   The paper's algorithms implicitly assume that attitude information is available and accurate. The quality of attitude estimation would directly affect the performance of both LF and HF error compensation.

6. Potential Sources of Attitude Data:
   - Onboard UAV navigation system
   - Integration of IMU data with GPS measurements
   - Possibly derived from the SAR data itself in some cases (though this would be challenging and is not discussed in the paper)

The lack of discussion about the attitude reference system in the paper is a significant oversight. In a practical implementation of this motion compensation approach, the integration of a reliable attitude reference system would be crucial. This would typically involve sensor fusion techniques to combine data from various sources (IMU, GPS, magnetometers) to obtain accurate attitude information throughout the SAR data collection process.

The absence of this information in the paper limits the reader's ability to fully understand how the proposed algorithms would be implemented in a real-world UAV SAR system, where attitude estimation errors could significantly impact the motion compensation performance.


Here is a summary of the authors, their institutional affiliations, and related prior work mentioned in the paper:
  1. Jiahao Han - National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China
  2. Shiyang Tang - National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China
  3. Zhanye Chen - State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves and Institute of Electromagnetic Space, Southeast University, China
  4. Yi Ren - National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China  
  5. Zhixin Lian - National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China
  6. Ping Guo - College of Communication and Information Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, China
  7. Yinan Li - National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University and China Academy of Space Technology, China
  8. Linrang Zhang - National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China
  9. Hing Cheung So - Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Related Prior Work:

- The authors reference several of their own prior papers on topics related to SAR imaging and motion compensation, including:
  1. Y. Ren et al. on an improved spatially variant MOCO approach for UAV SAR imaging (2022)
  2. S. Tang et al. on acceleration model analyses and imaging algorithms for squinted airborne spotlight-mode SAR (2015)
  3. J. Chen et al. on two-step accuracy improvement of motion compensation for airborne SAR (2019)
  4. Y. Ren, S. Tang et al. on 2-D spatially variant motion error compensation for airborne SAR (2022)
- They also cite work by other researchers on topics like:
  1. SAR imaging principles and processing algorithms
  2. Motion compensation techniques for airborne and UAV SAR  
  3. Autofocus methods for SAR phase error correction
  4. High-frequency vibration compensation for SAR
The authors build on this prior work to develop their new motion compensation approach for multirotor UAV SAR imaging.




TMTT CFP Special Issue on Latest Advances on Radar-Based Physiological Sensors and Their Applications

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