R. Palamà, F. Fioranelli, M. Ritchie, M. R. Inggs, S. Lewis and H.
Griffiths, "Measurements of Multistatic X&L Band Radar Signatures of
UAVS," 2019 International Radar Conference (RADAR), Toulon, France, 2019, pp. 1-5.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR41533.2019.171389
This paper illustrates the results of a series of measurements of
multistatic radar signatures of small UAVs at L and X band. The system
employed was the multistatic multiband radar system, NeXtRAD, consisting
of one monostatic transmitter-receiver and two bistatic receivers.
Results demonstrate the capability of the system of recording bistatic
data with baselines and two-way bistatic range of the order of few
keywords: {Radar cross-sections;Drones;Radar
tracking;Transceivers;Conferences;multistatic radar;micro-Doppler;UAVs
radar signatures},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9079112&isnumber=9078891
S. Harman, "Characteristics of the Radar signature of multi-rotor UAVs," 2016 European Radar Conference (EuRAD), London, UK, 2016, pp. 93-96.
This paper investigates the theoretical Radar Cross Section of
multi-rotor Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs), their time response and
Doppler frequency signature. Anechoic chamber measurements of
Multi-Rotor blades are presented and these measurements are used to give
a more representative signature. A new radar for detection and
discrimination of the Multi-Rotor aircraft is described. Results from
radar detections of dynamic Multi-rotor UAVs in flight are then
keywords: {Blades;Radar cross-sections;Aircraft;Radar
detection;Doppler radar;Frequency measurement;Radar cross-sections;Radar
detection;Unmanned aerial vehicles;Doppler radar},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7811655&isnumber=7811617
Ummenhofer, L. C. Lavau, D. Cristallini and D. O'Hagan, "UAV
Micro-Doppler Signature Analysis Using DVB-S Based Passive Radar," 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR), Washington, DC, USA, 2020, pp. 1007-1012.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR42522.2020.9114747
Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly popular,
thus posing danger and threats to infrastructures and public safety. A
technology for drone detection and classification would therefore
significantly increase the level of security. In scenarios such as
concerts, sport events, trade fairs, or in any situation where
significant aggregation of people is present, such techniques should be
non-invasive. That means they do not have to pose an additional threat
to people themselves. To this end, passive radars offer an appealing
solution, since they are able to offer a non-cooperative surveillance
while not emitting any electromagnetic signal. On the contrary, they
rely on existing transmitting infrastructure (also referred to as
illuminators of opportunity, IoO), such as broadcasting signal sources
(FM radio, terrestrial and satellite digital video broadcasting,
cellular communication and so on). In this work, the possibility to
exploit satellite television based passive radar for UAV detection is
analyzed by experimental validation. In addition, micro-Doppler
signatures for drones have been extracted, which might give information
for subsequent UAV classification.
keywords: {Passive radar;TV;Spaceborne radar;Satellite broadcasting;Velocity control;Rotors;Autonomous aerial vehicles},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9114747&isnumber=9114538
M. Jian, Z. Lu and V. C. Chen, "Experimental study on radar micro-Doppler signatures of unmanned aerial vehicles," 2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, pp. 0854-0857.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944322
In the paper, radar micro-Doppler signatures of rotating rotors are
investigated for detection and identification of small UAVs. A 24 GHz
dual-receiving channel interferometric radar is used to capture useful
features of rotating rotors. Interferometric radar with two receiving
channels can measure both radial velocity and angular velocity induced
micro-Doppler modulations. The study found the angular micro-Doppler
signature is a good complementary feature to the radial induced one for
identifying small UAVs.
keywords: {Rotors;Doppler radar;Radar
antennas;Angular velocity;Doppler effect;Blades;UAV
detection;dual-receiver radar;interferometric radar;micro-Doppler
effect;radial micro-Doppler;angular micro-Doppler},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7944322&isnumber=7944108
P. Beasley et al., "Multistatic Radar Measurements of UAVs at X-band and L-band," 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), Florence, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-6.
doi: 10.1109/RadarConf2043947.2020.9266444
This paper presents analysis of data captured with the NeXtRAD
multistatic radar system during a fortnight of experimental trials in
December 2019. The trials saw, for the first time, the NeXtRAD system
capturing interleaved X-band and L-band measurements of multiple UAVs in
simultaneous monostatic and bistatic configurations. Analysis is
presented of the UAV's micro-Doppler signatures, permitting a discussion
into the challenges some DAV platforms present for reliable detection.
Comparisons are also made between X-band and L-band monostatic and
bistatic UAV radar backscatter allowing conclusions to be drawn over the
benefits of particular radar configurations for aiding UAV detection.
keywords: {Radar;Radar cross-sections;Doppler radar;Blades;Global
Positioning System;Birds;Rotors;Radar;Bistatic Radar;Multistatic
Radar;Micro Doppler;Drone;UAV;Doppler Signatures},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9266444&isnumber=9266311
A. K. Mitra, "Position-adaptive UAV radar for urban environments," 2003 Proceedings of the International Conference on Radar (IEEE Cat. No.03EX695), Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2003, pp. 303-308.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2003.1278757
A bistatic radar concept is presented where a low-altitude UAV
(unmanned aerial vehicle) "position-adaptively" converges to
line-of-sight (LOS) locations for objects that are embedded between
buildings. The concept is developed by deriving approximate
electromagnetic signal models based on the uniform theory of diffraction
(UTD). In addition, a new signature exploitation technique is
formulated that allows for the estimation of target parameters in cases
when neither the transmitting nor the receiving platform is in LOS with
an embedded target or object. This technique is denoted as "exploitation
of leakage signals via path trajectory diversity" (E-LS-PTD).
Additional areas for further research are cited.
keywords: {Unmanned
aerial vehicles;Electromagnetic modeling;Reflection;Signal
analysis;Transmitters;Attenuation;Physical theory of diffraction;Radar
applications;Electromagnetic propagation;Electromagnetic analysis},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1278757&isnumber=28560
J. A. Nanzer and V. C. Chen, "Microwave interferometric and Doppler radar measurements of a UAV," 2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, pp. 1628-1633.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944468
The first dual-mode measurements of the time-varying radial and angular
velocity signatures of a UAV quadcopter are presented. Measured with a
compact 24 GHz interferometric radar, the signatures are measured at
various observation angles relative to the UAV. It is shown that the
signatures from the UAV at high grazing angles, when the radial velocity
of the rotor blades relative to the radar is low, provide features
related to the rotation rate of the rotor blades in certain instances.
Using both Doppler and interferometric radar velocity measurements may
therefore provide a method of detecting and classifying UAVs.
keywords: {Rotors;Doppler effect;Blades;Time-frequency analysis;Doppler radar;Velocity measurement},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7944468&isnumber=7944108
J. J. M. de Wit, R. I. A. Harmanny and G. Prémel-Cabic, "Micro-Doppler analysis of small UAVs," 2012 9th European Radar Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012, pp. 210-213.
Coherent radar measures micro-Doppler properties of moving objects. The
micro-Doppler signature depends on parts of an object moving and
rotating in addition to the main body motion (e.g. rotor blades) and is
therefore characteristic for the type of object. In this study, the
micro-Doppler signature (i.e. the object spectrogram) is exploited to
classify small, unmanned helicopters and multicopters.
{Blades;Rotors;Spectrogram;Doppler effect;Doppler radar;Radar
measurements;Micro-Doppler Signature;FMCW Radar;Mini UAVs},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6450745&isnumber=6450609
E. Vorobev, V. Veremyev and N. Tulenkov, "Experimental DVB-T2 Passive Radar Signatures of Small UAVs," 2019 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), Krakow, Poland, 2019, pp. 67-70.
doi: 10.1109/SPS.2019.8881955
The rapid development of small UAVs poses a serious threat to the
protection of critical infrastructure and strategic objects as well as
for private security. Passive radars are promising candidates for the
detection of the UAVs to counteracting the possible threat. This paper
presents the results of experimental investigations of the Doppler
signatures of different small UAVs observed by passive radar exploiting
DVB-T2 illuminators of opportunity. The experimental results revealed a
presence of the distinctive features in Doppler signatures that can be
used for classification between different types of UAV and other non-UAV
keywords: {Blades;Passive radar;Doppler
effect;Carbon;Radar detection;Unmanned aerial vehicles;passive
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8881955&isnumber=8881950
V. V. Reddy and S. Peter, "UAV micro-Doppler signature analysis using FMCW radar," 2021 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf21), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2021, pp. 1-6.
doi: 10.1109/RadarConf2147009.2021.9454978
Besides the detection of targets and estimation of their parameters,
micro-motions of various target parts, that give rise to micro-Doppler
signatures, are extracted from Radar acquisitions for target
identification. Frequency modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar is
identified to have the potential to perform both the activities. Due to
high rotation rate of the rotor blades in unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAV), the micro-Doppler frequency variation is significantly high
giving rise to aliasing effect. In this work, we first study the signal
model of FMCW radar in the presence of UAV. A new approach is then
presented for the study of high frequency micro-Doppler signatures.
Simulation example and experimental data show the efficacy of the
approach for micro-Doppler signature analysis.
keywords: {Frequency
modulation;Conferences;Radar detection;Rotors;Estimation;Radar;Unmanned
aerial vehicles;Micro-motions;micro-Doppler signature;FMCW Radar;UAV
identification;Drone detection},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9454978&isnumber=9454969
Guo, C. S. Ng, E. de Jong and A. B. Smits, "Concept of Distributed
Radar System for mini-UAV Detection in Dense Urban Environment," 2019 International Radar Conference (RADAR), Toulon, France, 2019, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR41533.2019.171221
In recent years, with the increasing prevalence of mini-Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (mini-UAVs, also called drones), there is an impetus to detect
and monitor them in dense urban environment. However, the conventional
radar which is generally mounted on the rooftop may not be able to
detect drones in the urban canyons (i.e., streets between buildings)
because the radar line-of-sight is often blocked by the buildings. To
solve the problem, a novel concept is proposed in this paper, which uses
distributed low-cost Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) radars to detect
the small drones and create continuous coverage in highly urban
environment. Such low-cost distributed radars can be mounted on the
facades of buildings or the street lamp posts to save the space and are
able to detect and classify the drones against other targets, such as
vehicles, bicycles, walking persons, and birds etc. that are very common
in urban area.
keywords: {mini-UAV detection;urban environment;distributed low-cost COTS radar;micro-Doppler signature},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9079047&isnumber=9078891
D. B. Herr, T. J. Kramer, Z. Gannon and D. Tahmoush, "UAV Micro-Doppler Signature Analysis," 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), Florence, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-6.
doi: 10.1109/RadarConf2043947.2020.9266401
The radar phenomenology of UAVs interacts with the micro-Doppler signal
processing in interesting and useful ways. This paper adjusts the
micro-Doppler processing to establish more consistent UAV micro-Doppler
signatures and improve the separability of relevant features. The
outlined approach is developed in the context of UAV rotor analysis. The
techniques are demonstrated in both simulated and experimentally
measured results of UAV rotor blades to distinguish three different
types of UAV.
keywords: {Blades;Rotors;Doppler
radar;Spectrogram;Radar cross-sections;Time-frequency analysis;Fourier
transforms;Micro-Doppler;UAV;HERM Line;Blade Flash},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9266401&isnumber=9266311
Guo, C. S. Ng, E. de Jong and A. B. Smits, "Micro-Doppler Based
Mini-UAV Detection with Low-Cost Distributed Radar in Dense Urban
Environment," 2019 16th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), Paris, France, 2019, pp. 189-192.
In recent years, the usages of consumer-grade mini-Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (mini-UAV, also called drones) are drastically increased. To
detect and monitor the drone in a highly urbanised environment, a
distributed radar system consisting of a group of low-cost small radar
sensors is under study. In this paper, we present a micro-Doppler based
automatic drone detection/classification system for the low-cost
distributed radar sensors to effectively discriminate drones from other
types of targets that are common in the urban area, such as vehicles,
bicycles and walking persons. It consists of a two-step processing. The
first step uses the complex cadence velocity diagram to extract the
target micro-Doppler features and yields preliminary classification
results. The second step jointly considers the current and previous N
successive time segments to give the final determination. The two-step
drone classification technique is implemented in our low-cost
distributed radar demonstrator and tested in different locations of real
environments. Promising drone classification results are demonstrated.
keywords: {mini-UAV (drone) detection/classification;micro-Doppler signature;automatic drone classification system},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8904760&isnumber=8904469
S. Harman, "Analysis of the radar return of micro-UAVs in flight," 2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, pp. 1159-1164.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944379
This paper presents an analysis of the radar signature of micro-UAVs
whilst in flight when subjected to realistic environmental flight
conditions. These highly dynamic signatures have been found to be
significantly different from modelled signatures or those expected from
the RCS when measured in a benign environment. The time varying radar
returns of different micro-UAV targets, measured in different
conditions, are presented and characterized. Also the varying
characteristics of the micro-Doppler rotor returns are analyzed. The
impact of results on radar systems design is discussed.
{Radar cross-sections;Decorrelation;Doppler radar;Doppler effect;Radar
antennas;Time measurement;Radar cross-sections;Radar detection;Unmanned
aerial vehicles;PSNR;Signal analysis},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7944379&isnumber=7944108
Z. Gannon and D. Tahmoush, "Measuring UAV Propeller Length using Micro-Doppler Signatures," 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR), Washington, DC, USA, 2020, pp. 1019-1022.
doi: 10.1109/RADAR42522.2020.9114778
The low radar cross sections of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) pose
challenges for their proper classification. Recent works have examined
the micro-Doppler (MD) signatures of UAVs for model classification.
Here, the physical blade lengths of rotary wings are extracted from the
MD blade flash phenomena such that correlated UAV features, such as size
and weight, may be deduced to narrow the scope of subsequent
classification. The proposed blade length estimation of rotating
propellers is applied to simulated and experimentally collected MD
measurements to characterize the blade flash phenomena. Assorted UAV
blade lengths are experimentally estimated with less than 1% error.
keywords: {Doppler shift;Propellers;Blades;Rotors;Length measurement;Autonomous aerial vehicles;Feature extraction},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9114778&isnumber=9114538
G. Diao, J. Huitong, H. Ni, Z. Liu, N. Gon and L. Yang, "Study on the Modeling Method of Sip Target for Uav-borne Bi-SAR," 2020 3rd International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), Harbin, China, 2020, pp. 903-907.
doi: 10.1109/ICUS50048.2020.9274840
To solve the simulation problem of uav-borne bi-static synthetic
aperture radar (SAR) for sea surface targets, a scattering signatures
modeling method of sea-surface target for bi-static imaging radar is
proposed, based on the coupling scattering mechanism between the ship
and sea surface. A bistatic scattering signature signal model for
sea-surface target in conjunction with high frequency asymptotic
techniques for electromagnetic (EM) scattering calculation, the
multi-path EM scattering model, the time-evolving complex reflection
coefficient model and the ship motion dynamics. The time varying
scattering signatures for a typical ship on time evolving sea-surface
are simulated and analyzed.
keywords: {Sea surface;Imaging;Radar
imaging;Radar scattering;Reflection coefficient;Marine
vehicles;Synthetic aperture radar;Uav-borne;Bi-static synthetic aperture
radar;Sea-surface target;Scattering signature;Multi-path
electromagnetic scattering effect},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9274840&isnumber=9274808
-S. Oh and Z. Lin, "Extraction of Global and Local Micro-Doppler
Signature Features From FMCW Radar Returns for UAV Detection," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 1351-1360, April 2021.
doi: 10.1109/TAES.2020.3034020
In this article, an unmanned aerial vehicles detection system is
proposed for an X-band ground-based surveillance frequency modulated
continuous wave Doppler radar. Two novel features are directly extracted
from the Doppler processing results without a time-frequency analysis.
Experimental results on measured radar echo signals show that our system
consistently outperforms the state of the art in terms of detection
accuracy and computational efficiency.
keywords: {Doppler
radar;Doppler effect;Radar detection;Feature
extraction;Surveillance;Blades;Frequency modulated continuous wave
(FMCW) surveillance radar;micro-Doppler signature analysis;unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV);UAV detection},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9241238&isnumber=9399890
N. Sayed, M. M. Y. R. Riad, O. M. Ramahi and G. Shaker, "A Methodology
for UAV Classification using Machine Learning and Full-Wave
Electromagnetic Simulations," 2022 International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt), Alexandria, Egypt, 2022, pp. 1-2.
doi: 10.1109/ITC-Egypt55520.2022.9855753
Using micro-doppler signatures is an effective way to classify
different types of UAVs, as well as other targets like birds. To
generate these datasets, researchers used to conduct campaigns for radar
drones’ measurements. However, these measurements are limited to the
types of available drones, the used radar parameters, the targets’
range, and the environment these measurements are taken in. In this
paper, a new method for simulating these types of datasets is
introduced, this new method uses full-wave electromagnetic CAD tools.
Radar simulations of five different types of real drones are presented.
Using this method, researchers can simulate radar drones’ datasets using
different types, sizes, and design materials of drones, they also can
change the used radar parameters, detected range, targets speed, and
rotors RPM for rotary drones. A 77 GHz FMCW simulated radar is used to
generate the required dataset for classification purposes. Finally, a
CNN algorithm is used to classify the five types of simulated drones,
the accuracy of the used algorithm is better than 97%.
{Solid modeling;Machine learning algorithms;Radar measurements;Radar
detection;Rotors;Radar;Classification algorithms;CNN;Datasets
creation;Micro-Doppler signatures;Machine Learning;Range Doppler
images;UAV classification},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9855753&isnumber=9855667
Molchanov, K. Egiazarian, J. Astola, R. I. A. Harmanny and J. J. M. de
Wit, "Classification of small UAVs and birds by micro-Doppler
signatures," 2013 European Radar Conference, Nuremberg, Germany, 2013, pp. 172-175.
The problem of unmanned aerial vehicles classification using continuous
wave radar is considered in this paper. Classification features are
extracted from micro-Doppler signature. Before the classification, the
micro-Doppler signature is filtered and aligned to compensate the
Doppler shift caused by the target's body motion. Eigenpairs extracted
from the correlation matrix of the signature are used as informative
features for classification. The proposed approach is verified on real
radar measurements collected with 9.5 GHz radar. Planes, quadrocopter,
helicopters and stationary rotors as well as birds are considered for
classification. Moreover, a possibility of distinguishing different
number of rotors is considered. The obtained results show the
effectiveness of the proposed approach. It provides capability of
correct classification with a probability of around 95%.
keywords: {Feature extraction;Radar;Rotors;Noise;Doppler effect;Target tracking;Robustness},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6689141&isnumber=6689067
J. Mazumder and A. B. Raj, "Detection and Classification of UAV Using Propeller Doppler Profiles for Counter UAV Systems," 2020 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), Coimbatore, India, 2020, pp. 221-227.
doi: 10.1109/ICCES48766.2020.9138077
The purpose of this paper is to develop an electronic system which
detects and classifies an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). For detection
and classification of a target UAV, an X Band Continuous Wave (CW) Radar
is designed. The corresponding micro-Doppler signatures were picked up
and the signals are further processed in the system which gave various
spectrographic patterns that enable us to detect and classify the UAV.
To perform the signal processing on the received data, the MATLAB
environment is used. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and short-time Fourier
transform (STFT) are used to get Doppler information and frequency-time
profile respectively, in this work. To test the system and check its
performance, a quadcopter of multiple propeller blades was designed and
used as a target. The entire set up was built in our radar Laboratory
and experiments are conducted in the open-field environment. In this
paper, significance of such UAV detections/classifications, development
of a CW radar, radar signal acquisition/processing, extraction of main
and micro Doppler signatures and using them for the UAV classifications
are presented. In addition to classifications, the lengths of the
propellers blades are also calculated using the extracted Doppler
profile. All the experimental results related to these detections,
classifications and measurements are reported and analysed.
keywords: {Radar cross-sections;Propellers;Radiation
detectors;Blades;Radar detection;Autonomous aerial vehicles;Doppler
radar;Micro-Doppler;Detection & Classification;STFT;Radar Signal
Processing;Counter UAV System},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9138077&isnumber=9137848
Bouzayene, K. Mabrouk, A. Gharsallah and D. Kholodnyak, "Scan Radar
Using an Uniform Rectangular Array for Drone Detection with Low RCS," 2019 IEEE 19th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.1109/MMS48040.2019.9157299
Drones are becoming more and more available to the general public for
leisure activities and exploited in commercial applications, this boom
in drone use has contributed to the emergence of new threats in security
applications. Because of their great agility and small size, UAV can be
used for numerous missions and are very challenging to detect. Radar
technology with its all-weather capability can play an important role in
detecting UAV-based threats and in protecting critical assets, but
standard radar is ill-prepared for UAV detection: UAVs are low-velocity
aircraft with a very weak radar. A radar simulation is discussed and
preliminary results are presented. In general, an X-band radar with
electronic scanning capability can contribute to a reliable and
affordable solution for detecting UAV threats. Radar could be the
technology of choice for detecting the drone, signature.
{Drones;Radar cross-sections;Radar detection;Airborne radar;Doppler
effect;Birds;Drone;UAV;radar detection;radar cross section;uniform
rectangular array},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9157299&isnumber=9157247
P. Wellig et al., "Radar Systems and Challenges for C-UAV," 2018 19th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Bonn, Germany, 2018, pp. 1-8.
doi: 10.23919/IRS.2018.8448071
Nowadays, unconventional Low Slow and Small (LSS) air threats pose
serious challenges that cause deep concerns among military and civilian
security organizations. Consequently, there is a high demand for robust
and reliable counter small unmanned aerial vehicles (C-sUAV) solutions.
However, traditional air defence systems may be unable to detect,
identify and defeat some types of potentially hostile UAVs. Detection
challenges such as small RCS values of air targets, unconventional
flight patterns in low airspaces, terrain masking effects, or complex
urban environments lead to high false alarm rates. Current C-sUAV
systems in the market use improved radar components, originally either
considered for VSHORAD (Very Short Air Defence) radar, battlefield
radar, bird detection radar, perimeter surveillance radar, or
high-resolution short-range radar. According to three NATO industrial
advisory group (NIAG) studies [1]-[3], there is a strong need for
improvement of the currently available C-sUAV systems and for the
development of second generation robust and automated sense and warn
systems. In addition, the evolution of advanced LSS air threats such as
signature reduced drones or swarms as well as new scenarios [4] have to
be considered in the development of the second generation. Therefore,
many radar research activities on C-sUAV can be observed worldwide, for
example research on passive radar, active multi-static radar,
MIMO-radar, cognitive radar, or air-to-air radar. This article discusses
current radar systems, challenges, and some radar research activities
related to C-sUAV.
keywords: {Radar cross-sections;Radar detection;Drones;Radar antennas;Sensors;Birds},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8448071&isnumber=8447894
Ezuma, O. Ozdemir, C. K. Anjinappa, W. A. Gulzar and I. Guvenc,
"Micro-UAV Detection with a Low-Grazing Angle Millimeter Wave Radar," 2019 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), Orlando, FL, USA, 2019, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.1109/RWS.2019.8714203
Millimeter wave radars are popularly used in last-mile radar-based
defense systems. Detection of low-altitude airborne target using these
radars at low-grazing angles is an important problem in the field of
electronic warfare, which becomes challenging due to the significant
effects of clutters in the terrain. This paper provides both
experimental and analytical investigation of micro unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) detection in a rocky terrain using a low grazing angle,
surface-sited 24 GHz dual polarized frequency modulated continuous wave
(FMCW) radar. The radar backscatter signal from the UAV is polluted by
land clutters which is modeled using a uniform Weibull distribution. A
constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detector which employs adaptive
thresholding is designed to detect the UAV in the rich clutter
background. In order to further enhance the discrimination of the UAV
from the clutter, the micro-Doppler signature of the rotating propellers
and bulk trajectory of the UAV are extracted and plotted in the
time-frequency domain.
keywords: {Clutter;Radar cross-sections;Radar
detection;Propellers;Radar clutter;Doppler effect;CFAR;low-grazing
angle;micro-UAV detection;mmWave radar;Weibull clutter},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8714203&isnumber=8714193
Farshchian, I. Selesnick and A. Parekh, "Bird body and wing-beat radar
Doppler signature separation using sparse optimization," 2016 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa), Aachen, Germany, 2016, pp. 71-74.
doi: 10.1109/CoSeRa.2016.7745702
Radar bird detection and discrimination has many civilian and
non-civilian applications such as collision avoidance, false alarm
reduction for detection radars, stealthy target detection,
classification of military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and civilian
drones, and conservation ecology. In order to develop new and improve
existing detection and discrimination algorithms, this paper proposes a
feature extraction technique in which the wing-beat Doppler radar
signature of a bird is separated from its respective body signature.
More specifically, we propose non-linear morphological component
analysis (MCA) using invertible short-time Fourier transform (STFT) for
feature extraction. The method is applied to the Peregrine falcon data
measured by Alabaster et al. (2012) resulting in successful separation
of the aforementioned signatures.
keywords: {Birds;Radar cross-sections;Doppler effect;Doppler radar;Radar remote sensing;Transforms},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7745702&isnumber=7745684
I. Hinostroza, T. Letertre and V. Mazières, "UAV detection with K band embedded FMCW radar," 2017 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), Marseille, France, 2017, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.1109/MMS.2017.8497143
Electromagnetic simulations of a propeller, motor and arm of a
commercially available UAV are presented. The goal was to identify the
incidence angles of the wave where there is a strong variation of the
radar cross section of the structure due to the position of the
propeller, which will help in the Doppler analysis. Additionally
measurements of the UAV were performed using a commercially available
24-GHz FMCW radar. Two scenarios were considered: hovering and vertical
movement. In both cases the Doppler signature is characteristic.
keywords: {Propellers;Doppler effect;Radar cross-sections;Doppler
radar;Bandwidth;octocopter;K band;FMCW radar;propeller;embedded},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8497143&isnumber=8497064
Writing about aerospace and electronic systems, particularly with defense applications. Areas of interest include radar, sonar, space, satellites, unmanned plaforms, hypersonic platforms, and artificial intelligence.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Analyzing Radar Cross Section Signatures of Diverse Drone Models at mmWave Frequencies | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
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