Wednesday, December 20, 2023

DoD needs near-term, 'persistent' INDOPACOM hypersonic missile tracking: CSIS - Breaking Defense

  Getting on Track

The Department of Defense is racing to build a constellation of satellites for tracking elusive hypersonic missiles. As these first satellites enter orbit, how should policymakers measure success? In a new report, CSIS unpacks the tradeoffs involved and pitfalls to avoid.

The conflict in Ukraine has made it clear that missiles “are foundational to adversaries’ way of war.” Future missile threats, however, increasingly stress existing missile defenses, flying lower, faster, and on unpredictable trajectories. Most importantly, they are difficult to detect—defeating them will require elevated sensors, on aircraft or satellites, to track them at range. As the Department of Defense begins to deploy a space-based sensor constellation, Getting on Track unpacks the design tradeoffs involved and key pitfalls to avoid. Using advanced simulation tools, the authors underscore the necessity of diversifying satellite orbits, designing constellations for early, persistent coverage, and retaining requirements for fire-control-capable sensors.

This report is made possible with support from General Atomics, L3Harris, Leidos, Lockheed Martin, and general support to CSIS.

Called “Getting on Track: Space and Airborne Sensors for Hypersonic Missile Defense” and authored by CSIS Fellow Masao Dahlgren, the study is designed to help policy-makers understand the tradeoffs that need to be weighed as technical and schedule decisions about missile warning/tracking sensor networks are being made. 

The report, which provides in-depth models of different architecture options, “elaborates these tradeoffs, identifies principles to inform future architectures, and highlights temptations to avoid,” CSIS says in its introduction.

Dahlgren told Breaking Defense in an interview that the report identifies three major requirements for sensors as part of a an effective anti-hypersonic defense network: a diverse architecture, with satellites in multiple orbits and consideration given to new airborne sensors; fire-control capability matched to interceptors across the services; and the rapid ramping up of “persistent” coverage of the Pacific theater to keep eyes on China’s evolving missile capabilities.

“We’re not going to prescribe any architectures, but we identify places that require more attention,” he said.

Report: Multi-orbit sensing architectures optimal for hypersonic missile defense

In the near term, the study suggests prioritizing coverage in the Indo-Pacific as quickly as possible. Constellations in MEO might be better suited to cover these mid-latitude regions, while satellites situated in LEO would offer persistent coverage of higher latitudes and the polar region, according to the report.

An airborne underlay of sensors could also provide immediate coverage to the Indo-Pacific, it notes.

“For nearer-term coverage, especially for the lower latitudes relevant to the Indo-Pacific and other theaters, policymakers should be attentive to the pacing of sensor fielding, not only the final product—graceful deployment as well as graceful degradation,” the report says.

  Getting on Track

This report is made possible with support from General Atomics, L3Harris, Leidos, Lockheed Martin, and general support to CSIS.

Key Findings (Insightful

  • The deployment phasing of a sensor architecture is as critical as its final delivery date. Choices over orbital configurations not only affect final sensor coverage but how coverage develops over time. Sensor constellations optimized purely for coverage efficiencies do not necessarily generate persistent coverage until most elements are deployed. For nearer-term coverage, especially for the lower latitudes relevant to the Indo-Pacific and other theaters, policymakers should be attentive to the pacing of sensor fielding, not only the final product—graceful deployment as well as graceful degradation.
  • While a space-based sensor architecture is necessary for global missile tracking coverage, a suborbital underlay of airborne sensors could improve point or regional coverage, hedge against schedule or capability gaps of orbiting sensors, and enhance overall system-level survivability. Airborne sensors offer unique detection modalities and could support persistent, localized coverage unbounded by the predictability and rigidity of orbital mechanics.
  • Sensor fusion is a major and underappreciated source of schedule risk. Delays in developing sensor fusion software and infrastructure contributed significantly to past space program cost and schedule overruns. Further steps are needed to prioritize command and control and fusion algorithm development for larger satellite constellations and multiple sensor types.
  • Fire control-quality tracking must be a fundamental requirement for the emergent elevated sensing architecture. The technical requirements for fire control tracks are relative measures, contingent on the performance of other elements in the missile defense kill chain. Less stringent track data requirements would require interceptors with costlier, more capable seekers or more ability to maneuver to compensate for positional uncertainties. Conversely, more accurate sensor data would both improve the performance of existing systems and ease design requirements for future interceptors.

Key Findings (obvious)

  • A new, elevated sensor architecture is required to detect, identify, and track a spectrum of maneuvering missile threats with sufficient quality to support missile defense fire control. These threats combine high speeds, unpredictable, non-ballistic trajectories, and large raid sizes to stress legacy defense designs.▪
  • The future of missile defense and missile defeat will be contingent on the development, characteristics, and fielding timeline of this architecture. One cannot defend against what one cannot see. [This Mine warfare is designed to counter the unseen enemy]
  • There is no such thing as a perfect sensor architecture design. Designing an elevated sensor architecture is rather an exercise in tradeoffs. Given this multiplicity of trades, architecture design is as much an art as a science. The application of this art to specific designs reflects various institutional and policy assumptions.
  • Unpacking these tradeoffs and assumptions—making them explicit—can help policymakers, budgeteers, and system architects, and better inform the public discussion related to missile tracking and missile defense. Doing so is the purpose of this report. This report does not advocate a particular architecture, but instead elaborates these tradeoffs, identifies principles to inform future architectures, and highlights temptations to avoid.
  • No single orbit or domain represents an optimal approach for missile defense sensing. Low (LEO), medium (MEO), geosynchronous (GEO), and highly elliptical orbits (HEO) each contribute varied advantages for coverage, schedule, cost, and resilience.
  • Proliferating space sensors in LEO is one way to improve resilience, assuming large numbers and low-cost replacement. It is not the only way. Reliance on a single orbital regime, or on any single approach to resilience, invites disruption. LEO constellations can be degraded by area- or domain-wide effects, including electronic attack, nuclear or radiological means, and the intentional generation of debris.
  • The Department of Defense’s recently updated plan to deploy a mixed-orbit missile tracking constellation is thus a welcome step for enhancing resilience. Sensor architectures should complicate adversary targeting by leveraging the unique benefits and drawbacks of multiple orbits and domains.
  • Infrared sensor performance is a function of the target’s signature and the sensor’s resolution, sensitivity, and field of view. Both wide- and medium-field-of-view sensors share promise for fire control-quality tracking. In recent years, Congress has prudently scrutinized and sustained efforts to deploy fire control sensors, including the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS), which is slated to transfer from the Missile Defense Agency to the Space Force around 2026. Whatever the sensor configuration and type, it is imperative that fire control efforts cross the valley of death and deploy at scale.
  • Many of the technologies and programs to realize an elevated sensor architecture are in place, but a disciplined acquisition and systems engineering authority will be needed to align its many components. Policymakers must exert oversight to ensure schedule discipline, orbital and systems diversity, and continued attention to missile defense fire control requirements.
  • Acquiring this new elevated sensor architecture will be an exercise in avoiding certain temptations. These include temptations to optimize global coverage efficiencies at the expense of schedule and resilience, to consolidate assets into a single orbital regime, and to abdicate fire control requirements.

Table of Contents

1.    The Elevated  Sensing Imperative                                                                                          1


Elevated  Sensing Missions                                                                                                   2


Unpacking the Tradeoffs:  Art and Science                                                                            5


Modeling the Problem                                                                                                           7


2. Sensor Tradeoffs                                                                                                                     10


Hypersonic Weapon Signatures                                                                                          12


Sensors, Field of View, and Architecture                                                                            13


Alternative Sensor Types                                                                                                    21



3. Orbital Tradeoffs                                                                                                                    24


Low Earth Orbit                                                                                                                   24


Effects of Proximity                                                                                                     25


Systemic Threats to Proliferated Low Earth Orbit                                                       31


Medium Earth Orbit                                                                                                             34


Geosynchronous and Highly  Elliptical Orbits                                                                     38


Airborne Architectures                                                                                                        41


Opportunism or Persistence                                                                                       41


Sizing a Constellation                                                                                                  43


Finding the Right Mix                                                                                                          45


Addressing LEO Indo-Pacific Coverage                                                                      46


Selective Polar Coverage with HEO                                                                            47


Combining Layers for Resilience                                                                                49


4. Schedule Tradeoffs                                                                                                                52


 5. An Emerging Architecture                                                                                                      60


Next Generation OPIR                                                                                                         63


Resilient  Missile  Warning/Missile Tracking Low Earth Orbit  (Proliferated Warfighter

Space Architecture)                                                                                                            65


Resilient  Missile  Warning/Missile Tracking Medium Earth Orbit                                       71


Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor                                                               72


Seeking  Alignment                                                                                                              73


 6. Three Temptations                                                                                                                 74


Temptation to Abdicate                                                                                                       74


Temptation to Overoptimize                                                                                                76


Deploy Gracefully                                                                                                       76


An Airborne Underlay                                                                                                 77


Reducing Integration Risks                                                                                         79


Temptation to Consolidate                                                                                                  83

 7. Staying on Track                                                                                                                     86


Appendix                                                                                                                                    88


Sensor-Level Analysis                                                                                                         88


Constellation-Level Analysis                                                                                               90



About  the Authors                                                                                                                      94


Endnotes                                                                                                                                    95

The authors would like to acknowledge the many peer reviewers who were generous with their time and expertise during the course of this project, including Mark Lewis, Doug Loverro, Todd Harrison, Kari Bingen, Jason Keen, Ken Harmon, and many others who remain anonymous.

Within the CSIS Aerospace Security Project and the Missile Defense Project, Kaitlyn Johnson, Thomas G. Roberts, Shaan Shaikh, Ian Williams, Wes Rumbaugh, Seth Walton, and Marie Dean contributed to the research and production of this report.

This report is made possible with support from General Atomics, L3Harris, Leidos, and Lockheed Martin. The research team leveraged computer simulation tools, including

·         SMARTSet, an air and missile defense simulation tool, by Iroquois Systems/Lockheed Martin, and

·         Systems Toolkit (STK) Enterprise, by Ansys Government Initiatives (AGI).

North America Is a Region, Too: An Integrated, Phased, and Affordable Approach to Air and Missile Defense for the Homeland, July 14, 2022

A closely related recent report by some of the same authors/reviewers

Tom Karako, Matthew Strohmeyer, Ian Williams, Wes Rumbaugh and Ken Harmon

Download Full Report

Tom Karako, Matthew Strohmeyer, Ian Williams, Wes Rumbaugh and Ken Harmon, "North America Is a Region, Too: An Integrated, Phased, and Affordable Approach to Air and Missile Defense for the Homeland," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 14, 2022, last modified August 1, 2022,


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