Thursday, June 20, 2024

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research and Innovation Challenges

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research and Innovation Challenges (PDF)


Roberto Sabatini's IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecture provides a timely update on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) research and innovation initiatives, with a focus on avionics and Air Traffic Management (ATM) evolutions.

 Fundamental topics covered encompass onboard Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems, and their interactions within current and future ATM frameworks. The lecture also delves into the relevant cybersecurity principles within the UAS Traffic Management (UTM) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) domains, aiming to identify the possible threats and applicable mitigation strategies. 

Beginning with an introductory segment outlining the IEEE AESS Avionics Systems Panel (ASP) activities in this domain, the lecture provides a high-level classification of Cyber-Physical Aerospace Systems (CPAS) and discusses the UAS as a system-of-systems, with associated key definitions. 

Subsequent sections delve into ongoing research and innovation efforts, including: 

  • autonomous navigation and guidance, 
  • sense-and-avoid, 
  • human-machine interactions, 
  • AI integration in UAS avionics design, 
  • cybersecurity, and 
  • ongoing UTM/UAM airspace integration initiatives. 

This lecture is intended for researchers, students and professionals seeking to gain insights into the rapidly evolving domain of UAS and associated airspace integration efforts. 


Here is a summary of the key points from the presentation on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Research and Innovation Challenges:

  • - UAS are examples of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that integrate digital and physical components. Key research areas include developing robust and fault-tolerant architectures for trusted autonomous operations.
  • - Major UAS avionics research focuses on:
    •   - Low SWaP-C navigation systems integrating GNSS, inertial, vision-based sensors
    •   - GNSS augmentation techniques like ABAS to improve accuracy, integrity, availability and continuity  
    •   - Separation assurance and collision avoidance systems
    •   - Human-machine interfaces for UAS control
  • - Key cybersecurity challenges for UAS include:
  •   - Increasing attack surface as systems become more interconnected
  •   - Need for AI-based cyber defenses to counter AI-based offensive technologies
  •   - Developing new security management systems and attack detection techniques
  • - UAS Traffic Management (UTM) research aims to enable safe integration of UAS into airspace, focusing on:
    •   - Highly automated systems to manage increased traffic density
    •   - New airspace structures and traffic flow management concepts
    •   - Defining roles and responsibilities between humans and AI
  • - Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is an emerging concept for urban/regional air transportation, requiring research on:
    •   - New vehicle designs (e.g. eVTOLs)
    •   - Infrastructure like vertiports
    •   - Integration with existing airspace and ground transportation

The presentation highlights the multidisciplinary nature of UAS/AAM research, spanning areas like avionics, autonomy, human factors, cybersecurity, and traffic management to enable safe and efficient operations.

Avionics Research Foci

Certainly. The presentation highlights several key areas of avionics research for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS):

1. Low SWaP-C Navigation Systems:
   - Focus on integrating multiple sensor types including GNSS, inertial measurement units (IMU), vision-based sensors, and aircraft dynamics models.
   - Aim to develop navigation solutions that are low in Size, Weight, Power, and Cost (SWaP-C) while maintaining high performance.
   - Research includes sensor fusion techniques using extended and unscented Kalman filters.

2. GNSS Augmentation:
   - Development of Aircraft-Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS) to improve GNSS performance.
   - Research on integrity monitoring and prediction, including the Avionics-Based Integrity Augmentation (ABIA) system.
   - Efforts to enhance accuracy, integrity, availability, and continuity of navigation data.

3. Separation Assurance and Collision Avoidance:
   - Development of systems for both cooperative and non-cooperative scenarios.
   - Research on creating dynamic "avoidance volumes" considering navigation and tracking errors.
   - Work on real-time generation of optimal avoidance trajectories.

4. Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions:
   - Development of Cognitive Human Machine Interfaces and Interactions (CHMI2) for UAS control.
   - Research on adaptive interfaces that respond to the operator's cognitive state.
   - Focus on enhancing human-machine teaming for more effective UAS operations.

5. 4D Trajectory Optimization:
   - Development of algorithms for real-time trajectory planning and optimization.
   - Integration with UTM systems for efficient and safe UAS operations.

6. Cybersecurity:
   - Research on protecting UAS avionics systems from cyber threats.
   - Development of secure communication protocols and intrusion detection systems.

7. Health and Mission Management Systems:
   - Development of integrated systems for monitoring UAS health and optimizing mission performance.

These research areas aim to enhance the capabilities, safety, and efficiency of UAS operations while addressing the unique challenges posed by unmanned systems in various operational environments.

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