Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Fusion for SAR Target Recognition

Overall framework of multiregion multiscale scattering feature and deep feature fusion learning framework.

 Z. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Wen, K. Li and Q. Pan, "Multilevel Scattering Center and Deep Feature Fusion Learning Framework for SAR Target Recognition," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, pp. 1-14, 2022, Art no. 5227914, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3174703.

Abstract: In synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR), there are mainly two types of methods: the physics-driven model and the data-driven network. The physics-driven model can exploit electromagnetic theory to obtain physical properties, while the data-driven network will extract deep discriminant features of targets. These two types of features represent the target characteristics in the scattering domain and the image domain, respectively. However, the representation discrepancy caused by the different modalities between them hinders the further comprehensive utilization and fusion of both features.

In order to take full advantage of physical knowledge and deep discriminant feature for SAR ATR, we propose a new feature fusion learning framework SDF-Net to combine scattering and deep image features. In this work, we treat the attributed scattering centers (ASC) as set-data instead of multiple individual points, which can well mine the topological interaction among scatterers. Then, multiregion multiscale subsets are constructed at both component and target levels. To be specific, the most significant scattering intensity and overall representation in these subsets are exploited successively to learn permutation-invariant scattering features according to a set-oriented deep network. 

The scattering representations can provide mid-level semantic and structural features that are subsequently fused with the complementary deep image features to yield an end-to-end high-level feature learning framework, which helps enhance the generalization ability of networks especially under complex observation conditions. 

Extensive experiments on the Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition database verify the effectiveness and robustness of the SDF-Net compared against both typical SAR ATR networks and ASC-based models.

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9773339&isnumber=9633014


Attributed scattering centers for SAR ATR - PubMed

L C Potter  1 , R L Moses

Attributed scattering centers for SAR ATR

L C Potter et al. IEEE Trans Image Process. 1997.


High-frequency radar measurements of man-made targets are dominated by returns from isolated scattering centers, such as corners and flat plates. Characterizing the features of these scattering centers provides a parsimonious, physically relevant signal representation for use in automatic target recognition (ATR). In this paper, we present a framework for feature extraction predicated on parametric models for the radar returns. The models are motivated by the scattering behaviour predicted by the geometrical theory of diffraction. For each scattering center, statistically robust estimation of model parameters provides high-resolution attributes including location, geometry, and polarization response. We present statistical analysis of the scattering model to describe feature uncertainty, and we provide a least-squares algorithm for feature estimation. We survey existing algorithms for simplified models, and derive bounds for the error incurred in adopting the simplified models. A model order selection algorithm is given, and an M-ary generalized likelihood ratio test is given for classifying polarimetric responses in spherically invariant random clutter.

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