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New Book Release: MBSE with SysML and Eclipse Papyrus - Model Based Systems Engineering 4 You

Book cover MBSE with SysML and Eclipse Papyrus

New Book Release: MBSE with SysML and Eclipse Papyrus - Model Based Systems Engineering 4 You

Tim Weilkiens

We are pleased to announce the publication of “MBSE with SysML and Eclipse Papyrus” by Philipp Helle. This book is now available for purchase (see here).

Philipp Helle is a scientist in the Airbus “Central Research & Technology” organization. He studied linguistics, media culture, and computer science and received an MA from the University of Hamburg. Philipp joined Airbus in 2003 and is an Airbus Expert for “Digital Technologies for MBSE”.


Targeted at both new and experienced systems engineers, this book provides a structured approach to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) using the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) and the open-source tool Eclipse Papyrus. It aims to deliver foundational knowledge as well as detailed guidance on practical applications.

This publication is a valuable addition to the field of systems engineering, offering readers the opportunity to deepen their understanding and practical skills in MBSE.

Key Features

  1. Structured Learning: The content starts with basic principles of systems engineering and MBSE, progressing to more complex topics, suitable for readers at various levels of expertise.
  2. Practical Approach: The book includes step-by-step tutorials and a continuous case study, which guide readers through the process of building a complete SysML model in Eclipse Papyrus, from basic to advanced features.
  3. Accessibility: Emphasis on the use of Eclipse Papyrus highlights the accessibility of advanced modeling techniques through open-source software, aligning with the practical and budgetary requirements of professionals and institutions.

Intended Audience

  • Systems engineers seeking to enhance their skills in systems modeling.
  • Academic professionals and students looking for a structured and detailed guide in systems engineering.
  • Practitioners interested in adopting MBSE methodologies in their workflows.

Visit the book page on MBSE4U!


Review: Papyrus SysML - SysML & MBSE Support

note: this is a 5 year old review
  • Easy-to-draw SysML diagram notation
  • Free & Open Source Software (FOSS)
  • UX is mediocre
  • Does not support basic model simulation
  • XMI interoperability does not work as advertised with competitive tools
  • This FOSS project product is not yet ready for serious MBSE project work

  • Product Name: Papyrus SysML
  • Brand: (Open Source)
  • Description: SysML architecture modeling tool for MBSE applications.
  • Reviewer: Editor,
  • Date: 06/15/2018
  • Review Summary

Papyrus SysML is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) architecture modeling tool that allows individuals and small teams to learn about SysML and its MBSE capablities. Papyrus SysML is a open source project work-in-progress, and it is not yet sufficiently mature to compete with the better quality commercial SysML modeling tools.

  • Editor Rating: 2.3 / 5 Stars

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